Saturday, December 22, 2012

It's almost time!!

Only a few days left til Christmas! Thank goodness because this little Elf has been causing some ruckus and has been left on the fireplace mantle too many times causing mommy to get up extra early or even in the middle of the night to move her...haha Here are the adventures we have had so far

bad little elf got into the bandaids!
hanging around like a little monkey :) left Lexi a morning message
taking a moonlight stroll on barbie's scooter
signing autographs for Pop Pop, Bieber & Barbie
All ready for a movie night
we planted special peppermint kisses and "grew" some colorful candy canes
Naughty elf knocked over the candy canes and left her little prints behind! She was found in the window sneaking a candy cane ;)
Taking a little break on Rudolph
TP-ing the Tree!
Maddie brought Lexi some magical glow bracelets from the north pole
Reminding us that there is only THREE days left til Christmas!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Hide and Seek...

So mommy is REALLY bad with this whole elf thing this year. I have forgotten to send her back to the "North Pole" twice this week and had to come up with excuses of why Maddie was still sitting on the fireplace mantle. Then on Saturday I put her in the hall closet while I figured out what to do with her for the day and I forgot she was in there and I opened it while Lexi was standing right beside me and she was all "ohhhh look at the silly elf, she must really like that scentsy" (The elf is laying face down haha) Anyways, we went on with our day and I hid her somewhere else and put her back in the closet Saturday night. Please tell me why the first place Alexa looks on Sunday morning is in the hall closet!? So yet another excuse comes from my mouth, "Oh she must be playing hide and seek and this must be her favorite spot!" ughh I am running out of ideas and excuses. Hopefully I can get on my game this week...Lexi really loves looking for Maddie every single day! Here are our adventures from the last week :)

Maddie got caught sneaking a cookie...

We found a stow-away in Lillian's birthday present!
Yes this would be Alexa's little nano that we thought got flushed down the toilet! Maddie found it in our old couch and was caught listening to some music :)

She got to relax on the new couches before Lexi and I did!

Sprinkle snow angels = static mess!

a note requesting Alexa's Christmas Wish List for Santa 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

She's Back...making her grand entrance

Our little Elf friend, Maddie decided to make her way back to our home this year and boy was Lexi excited! So excited that mommy wasn't paying attention to what she was doing and caught our DVD player on fire...Literally! I was taking a movie out of the DVD player and THOUGHT that I moved the candle far enough away, but apparently not. Just as I pushed open, Alexa screams with excitement "Oh my gosh she is back! Look she is watching me!!" I turned my body just for a second to look at her and turned back around and I screamed (insert inappropriate language) and saw that the tray for the DVD player was right over the candle on fire! This was also the first candle that I have bought it about two years because I always use my Scentsy.

Let me just add this to the list of electronics that I destroy :/ RIP smartDVD player that we had less than a year!

I sure hope Maddie enjoyed her grand entrance because Alexa sure did :) Here's to the next few weeks of fun and excitement with our little elf friend

Maddie, Cheap Candle, Not so Cheap burned DVD player :/

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pantry=Her Favorite Hiding Place...

So I am thinking that one of Maddie's favorite places to hide is in the Pantry! She was there two days in a row! Last night Alexa found her building marshmallow snowmen and the night before she found her sitting with her gingerbread house (that we still need to make!)
Building Marshmallow Snowmen :)

I think she is hinting that we need to do this soon! ;)

Monday, December 12, 2011

I have some catching up to do!

Looks like I am a little behind...we have been a little busy this last week, but Maddie still showed up everyday to check on lex!
Up in the window..and she saw her right away!

Maddie even showed up to Lexi's Christmas Program!

She was so excited to see her there!

Marshmallow fight between Maddie & Pop Pop! Who do you think won??

Lex said Pop was the winner :) and then she ate all of the marshmallows! haha

Lex had a slumber party with Granny and look who came to hang out!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Heading Back To The North Pole??

On Monday night Lexi found Maddie in our Freezer next to the ice cream!! I have a video of her reaction, but I can't figure out how to get it off my phone and onto this blog :( I told Lexi that maybe she was in the freezer because she thought it was the North Pole where Santa is! (and yes that is a Healthy Choice shoved to the back behind all the ice cream;) haha
Tonight Maddie was found playing on our banister in the garland! It almost looks like she was trying to FLY!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A hint of Hot Chocolate...

Tonight as we were watching the football game Maddie appeared on our mantle! We think she was trying to get warm from the fire that we had going. Lexi said, "She wants me to have hot chocolate! She brought some with her!!" So that is what we did...finished our Sunday night with football and some hot chocolate :)